30 May 2021

The Day of My Mother

Joyful I am to have you as my Mum
Ever present when I am ill or in pain
Trusting, supportive, caring, loving
Always at the cost of your own sleep.
I wish you would let go of your maternal worries
Mindful that life is so short, so you
Extend the moments with your grandchildren
Minutes of laughter and of tenderness.
Adventures in foreign lands also await you
More stunning photos for you to snap
At last beating Street View at its own game!
Nurture yourself too, my dear little Maman.

PS 1: today is Mother’s Day in France.

PS 2: this poem is an acrostic, although it’s not as elaborate (e.g. rhyming, syllabic) as what my mother would create for the birthdays of all of her loved ones – father, siblings and children and all of their significant others, and grandchildren – what’s more with custom-made virtual or physical cards (my mum is a pro at Photoshop!).