22 April 2018

Are you the one? Looking for international project managers

Humans are underrated”. My clones are not enough either. So… do you want to work with me on a number of personal projects that cover multiple countries and very diverse domains? Do you want to learn and work in a fast-paced environment? Do you want to impact thousands, potentially millions, of people? Join my team of remote project managers and get a unique work experience.

Read more and apply.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

If you look carefully at the photo, it's not just a drawing. The fire extinguisher is real (another reference I'm making to Elon and his not-flamethrowers)! I loved the creativity of those numerous mural cartoons found at Jakarta's domestic airport. And that's the spirit: be creative with the means that you currently have but also dream big, including if it's about planning to inhabit another planet.