4 May 2012


Holding his hand, she gently steps back and looks at him in the eyes. "I was just tangled up in my own head", he says. Oblivious to the world, in their tight embrace, they seem to be barely dancing, rotating, pausing again, carefully placing their bodies against one another. Their slow, harmonious, sensual movements carry them, transport them, from left to right, from right to left, from one world to another, together. They are the pure colours of the rainbow, they disappear in the rainbow itself. "All I ever loved was standing right before my eyes, and I was blind."

I hope you'll also enjoy this completely addictive music and video clip. I have surprised myself in paying attention to different aspects of the video each time I played it: the colours, the background, the positioning of their legs, their shoes, their attire, their facial expressions, the dance itself. I would then close my eyes and listen to the lyrics, trying to notice and disassociate the instruments.