I'm Sebastian Trzcinski-Clément and this is my personal website.
The most updated content you will find on this website are my stories: travel posts punctuated with my own photos and essays on a wide array of topics, from art to politics. You will also find quotes and excerpts I enjoyed from books I have read. In addition, I share the detailed list of my personal projects even as they undergo changes (new ideas, projects becoming obsolete, or updates to ongoing projects).
All other sections of this website will otherwise tend to be fairly static, whether it's the list of talks I have given, a list of frequently asked questions, and a way to subscribe to my private newsletter. Of course feel free to contact me, whether to make suggestions to this website or for any other reason.
Armed with many years of experience in tech and consulting, including 18 years at Google, I offer leadership and career coaching*. If you are interested, contact me at coaching@seb247.com or check my dedicated page. If you already benefited from my coaching, I'd be most obliged if you could record a brief 2-minute video testimonial to be added to my playlist.
* This entails management of teams, project management, communication skills, career progression, salary negotiation, and startup operations/growth; I also cover topics related to running an NGO and personal financial planning.